Rico's - Gallery Concept

Design Brief:
- Pizza Restaurant
- Business Name: Rico’s
- Location: Your home town
Business Story: Rico was inspired after a trip to Naples by the unique tradition of Neapolitan Pizza, and wanted to bring this experience to his hometown which is full of fast food chains of low quality pizza.

Customers: Rico wants to provide a special experience and so targeting a more affluent customers who are more “foodie” and care about eating good & healthy food.
Design Inspiration:
When researching Neapolitan pizza I cam across the Art Stations of the Naples Metro and that was my main inspiration I wanted to put in the concepts. This concept was design with the Università station in mind.

Vision: Neapolitans were proud of their creation and considered their pizzas an art form. Nowadays pizza itself has changed so much that it hardly resembles its Neapolitan ancestor. But at Rico’s we have a vision to make pizza art again.

Mission: Our mission is to make pizza eating an act of fine dining any we do that by serving only one kind of pizza but the one is made to perfection. And eating this pizza is unforgettable experience and is perceived as a form of art by every pizza connoisseur.

Big Idea:
Pizza is a form of ART! Make such a perfect pizza that it will bring the Neapolitan heritage back and make pizza rise from ordinary fast food to high-end dish.
MOOD BOARD - Gallery Concept
BRAND IDENTITY presentation - Gallery Concept
BRAND guidelines presentation - Gallery Concept
Check out the entire project in Figma